Learn How To Dissolve Stress & Stubborn Pain In Just 10 Minutes Per Day:
(Especially If Therapists Have Failed To Give You Lasting Relief!)
- What would it feel like to wave a magic wand and feel 10 years younger? To breathe a deep sigh of relief as aches and pains that have plagued you for years are no longer there.
- How would it feel to not be so tense and triggered all the time? To be able to just switch off, relax, and actually sleep through the night?
- What would it mean to correct your hunched, rounded posture? To feel confident and desirable?
Over the past 20 years I’ve personally worked with thousands of students, here are some of their most common stories:
- “Years ago I tweaked my back, and over time it became an ache, then a throb, then a CONSTANT pain, bit by bit consuming more and more of my attention. It’s forcing my life to shrink, taking away not only large but even small freedoms like walking up the stairs or playing with my kids.”
- “I used to pride myself on my “type-A” focus as it served me so successfully, but now, I feel it’s breaking my brain. I feel POWERLESS to stop my mind from going, it’s wound tight and often ruins my sleep. I feel trapped in a hamster wheel, trying to prove myself, regularly to burnout.”
- “I feel deeply embarrassed about my unsexy posture. Years working at a desk has me hunched and looking old WAY before my time. I just kept putting it off, and now I have to make a scene every time I’m out with friends, finding a chair with a back to lean against to prevent my spine from throbbing.”
My back pain is now at 5% from 5 weeks ago.
"I have suffered from lower back pain fo 12 years and have had treatment from ever kind of Osteopath, Chiropractor, and Physiotherapist with disappointing results. During the last 2 years, the problem has gotten much worse.
I am a qualified personal trainer and have trained in martial arts for 10 years and had been upset and worried at how many exercises I can no longer do due to my increasing back pain.
After a week doing a short, relaxing sequence, the difference in my back pain was remarkable, my pain had reduced by 50%. After 5 weeks, the pain that had plagued me for over a decade was 95% gone."
Steve Hillman, IT Consultant
Joyful, glad to be alive runs after 18 months being unable.
“I have had a brilliant week movement-wise and have run twice. These were no ordinary runs, these were joyful glad to be alive runs.
NEVER have I run like this Tanya!
I hadn't been able to run for 18 months and I got home grinning ear to ear. Ahhh the joy! THANK YOU!”
Karen Wilson
Many students discover my work after years of attempts to break their cycle of pain and stress. I’d bet at least one of these resonates strongly with you:

- You’ve spent huge amounts of money on all sorts of therapists, osteopaths, physiotherapists, chiropractors, acupuncturists, none of whom have given you lasting relief before the pain clawed back into your life.
- You’ve tried back braces, ergonomic chairs, lumbar supports and as soon as you’re without them, your bad posture returns, along with the pain.
- You’ve spent loads of time doing yoga, perhaps for years. Not only do the stretches not release the tension that’s keeping you stressed and in pain, they often make it worse.
- You’ve tried everything you can find; meditation, diets, herbal supplements, cutting sugar, and none have significantly reduced your stress or helped you feel more balanced and in control.
My back pain is no-longer controlling me.
“I am a 55-year-old nurse working in a busy inner-city hospital.
I’ve had problems with my back and hip for years. I have had physiotherapy countless times and attended a sports therapist over the last three years with little improvement.
After just six sessions with Tanya, the results are amazing! My posture has improved greatly. I’m walking more freely. My back pain is no longer controlling me. I’d recommend Align Somatics’ method as an alternative therapy to anyone!”
Katherine, Nurse
What if I told you that you’re not the problem, but the methods that you’re trying are? And I know I REALLY get it, because I’ve been in your situation myself.
"Your mum she’s…she’s died. I’m so sorry.”
The words spilt out of my father’s mouth, almost as if he was asking a question. My ears started ringing. My face went numb. I couldn’t feel any emotions but at the same time wanted to vomit.
Have you ever received news so f****d up that you disassociated with reality?
13 years together, gone, in an instant.
Why I’m sharing such a personal story is because I don’t want you to continue to suffer needlessly.
What’s important for you to understand is how the death of my mother led me to dedicate twenty YEARS of my life to uncovering the FULL impact of emotional and physical stress on the body.
Let me show you what happened to me...
Attending boarding school in the countryside, I was so far away from my family. I had no choice but to be strong, to not let this loss destroy me. And honestly, I thought I managed to do that.
But I was so wrong...
It all started with feeling a slight pressure around my face.
Light at first an ever-tightening tension started to build around my jaw, spreading to my neck and sharply into my shoulders over the following years.
I did what anyone with shoulder pain does; I went to see a physiotherapist to massage the area. Then another. And another.
Every time, the pain returned in days, it felt so unfair. My frustration started to turn to helplessness as I searched for an answer.
Many of them suggested stretches for me to try, which actually bought my attention to yoga in an attempt to relieve what felt like a knife between my shoulder blades.
And yoga seemed to work…
For a few months until more tightness and pain started manifesting in random parts of my body. It was like a torturous game of “whack-a-mole”; finding new pain, making some story for why I had it, and adapting my yoga to stretch that area.
I was in my 20s, surely it was impossible to be falling apart already!?
I became a yoga teacher, tried every type of therapy, learned about every muscle in the body, did everything I thought would make me fit and healthy...
I spent years desperate for any lead, until an unexpected discovery at the dentists.
The ridge of every tooth in the back of my mouth was flat…Years of unconscious teeth grinding during my sleep had literally disintegrated my molars!
The extreme trauma of my mother’s death triggered me to develop a subconscious habit of tensing my jaws and grinding my teeth.
I had needlessly SUFFERED for years before I uncovered that everyone had been WRONG about how stress manifests in the body.
Ended two DECADES of headaches by changing my understanding of stress
"Somatic movement was my last resort for a lifetime of crippling headaches. I put them down to neck tension, but you helped me understand that I was holding stress in many more areas.
The targeted movements I learned have had me free from headaches for 8 weeks now! This chronic issue has plagued me for almost 20 years and I have exhausted all other therapies.
This is such a huge breakthrough for me! Many thanks Tanya!"
Aisling Murphy
Eradicated all pain in just 5 sessions!
“Somatics is just incredible. After a decade of hip and low back pain brought about by my desk job, I regained full range of movement through my hips and eradicated all and any pain in just 5 sessions!
This improved my technique and performance in my sport (weight training) immediately.
Understanding the real cause of my pain and being guided through exercises is incredibly powerful and empowering. Now if my back feels tight, I have exercises learned from Tanya that will relieve the pain in a matter of minutes.”
Colm, Designer
Here’s how chronic stress & pain forms in your body:
- Prolonged emotional stress (like pretty much the entire of 2020), or physical stress (injuries), cause specific muscles to tense, imperceptibly.
- The longer the stress lasts, the more likely that this tension becomes a habit.
- Your brain registers this tension habit as “normal” and muscles remain permanently tense; producing “STUCK STRESS”.
- Here’s the important part! Your muscles are all connected. Stuck stress in one area causes imbalances in another group of muscles. The tension becomes “referred”.
- Again, because the original stuck stress has not been addressed, that referred tension creates more imbalances triggering MORE muscles to become stuck.
Without realising it, the stress from your first breakup, or a decades-old knee injury became stuck; keeping you anxious, and your lower back in pain even now!
After about a month I felt as if I were 10 years younger.
“My doctors told me that I had bone degeneration in my vertebrae around I think it was S1 or 2 and around L3. The bone had reached this state because the discs had reduced in size and there was some spurring off the vertebrae. Also the density was changing as the bone was weakening.
After any periods of no movement there would be intense pain. - e,g first thing in the morning.
After I began a short movement course with Align Somatics, the results were almost immediate.
It started with an awareness of having greater movement and a different posture followed swiftly by a complete reduction in pain.
Each day of self-managed movement resulted in improvement and after about a month I felt as if I were 10 years younger and had ended a potential lifetime of pain.”
Dr. Michael Lawrence, Consultant
Stuck Stress Can Manifest In Many Ways:

- Chronic neck, shoulder, lower back, hip, knee and foot pain,
- Tension headaches,
- IBS,
- Walking issues,
- Decreased sexual pleasure.
- Low energy,
- Sciatica & scoliosis,
- Shallow breathing,
- Feeling highly strung, worried and anxious.
- Bladder problems,
- Sleeping poorly.
When I discovered the solution to my chronic stress & pain, the relief I felt was one of the happiest moments of my life.
After Just Weeks Of Practising For 10 Minutes A Day, I Was Amazed To Feel A Decade Of Tension And Pain Systematically Release.
No more stabbing neck and shoulder pain.
My teeth grinding completely dissolved after just a few months.
I felt light as a feather. It was as if a huge fog of stress dissolved along with my pain.
But it doesn’t end there…
I began to reflect, and ask:
- “Why did this have to be so hard, confusing and painful?”.
- “Why did I deal with over a decade of constant pain to figure this out?”
- “Why did every expensive therapist frustratingly suggest a different solution?”
I need you to understand that it is possible to solve your pain and stress yourself, from the comfort of your home, without countless expensive therapist bills.
It’s not a myth -- it’s not something only “yogis” do -- and it’s not complicated.
You are completely capable of following ONE simple system to change your relationship with stress and pain FOREVER.
A system that has given most of my client results in only 7 days and many have a full reversal of pain in 1-2 months!
I’ve put in way more than my 10,000 hours to learn this, and I don’t want you to go through that same frustrating 20-year journey.
The Stuck Stress Solution
Introducing Stuck Stress Solutions, the simple, beginner’s program to dissolve stress and chronic pain in just 10 minutes a day, without relying on expensive therapists.
Stuck Stress Solutions is a 3-hour course that distils over 20 years working with over 2,000 students into specific, actionable exercises you can use TODAY.
It’s designed to help you quickly and permanently identify and release the stuck stress that is keeping you tightly-wound, triggering your pain, and ruining your posture.
The program is organized into three modules each with in-depth video lessons that covers everything you need to know to identify muscles actually causing your unique stuck stress, and to release that tension within minutes...

Stuck Stress Solutions includes:

The Breathing Module:
The “Two Stuck Stress Breathing Styles”: How to identify if these are unconsciously keeping you in a stressed, anxious state.
The “Mind-Muscle Connection”: Consciously engage all the muscles used in full breathing.
The “Calming Third Breathing Style”: Two powerful breathing sequences teach the “full-lung” breathing technique, allowing you to be relaxed, energized and focused. This alone is worth the price of admission!
The Posture Module:
“Habitual, Physical and Emotional Stress”: Uncover how each affects you and develops into damaging stuck stress.
The Three “Stuck Stress” Postures: Your body adopts these postural habits as a result of muscular tension creating imbalances:
- “Startled Posture”: This leads to tension headaches, less oxygen to the brain, lower energy, neck and shoulder pain, increased feelings of stress and worry, IBS, bladder problems, decreased sexual pleasure.
- “Asymmetric Posture”: This leads to muscular imbalances, shoulder pain, back pain, walking issues, hip, knee and foot pain.
- “Reacting Posture”: This leads to lower back pain, sciatica, knee pain, shallow breath, feeling highly strung and anxious.
10 “Stuck Stress Analysis" Sequences: Uncover your dominant stress posture and locate your unique stuck stress.

The Movement Module:
“Targeted Pandiculation”: Proven method reconnects your brain and muscles, retrains you how to relax, lengthen and dissolve stubborn tension from your muscles.
7 “Keystone Stress Sequences”: Release tension and pain from your lower back, hips and neck, addressing your postural imbalances that are creating tension and pain elsewhere in your body.
Try Stuck Stress Solutions For A Full 30-Days, 100% Risk Free.
My 20 years of experience with over 2,000 students makes me so confident this works, that you can try the entire course 100% risk-free, and then decide if it’s right for you.
If you don’t love it after 30 days, email me and I’ll send you a full refund, no questions asked.
Get Instant Access Now for Only £29.
Get Instant AccessI can barely believe it.
“Tanya has taught me how to, in minutes, switch my tension off, getting me in balance and out of pain. More importantly, she has massively helped me with my breathing.
Both of these, when used before and during competition, led to me winning the World Masters Track Competition in my points race for my age category! I can barely believe it.”
Orla Hendron, Professional Cyclist
It's amazing how much better and more energetic I feel.
My posture had gotten bad because of constant standing while at work. I had constant backache and neck and shoulder pain.
After my first lesson, my shoulders had released down. I could feel the difference, and gradually over weeks the change became permenant.
Somatic exercises helped to relax all my muscles and align my body from head to feet. It’s amazing how much better and more energetic I feel. Now when I tighten up I'm aware of the feeling and can release it myself. This works!"
Brenda, Pharmacist
Final Questions?
Will this work for me?
You’d think that with thousands of past students and clients, at least one of them would have found this ineffective for their stress, pain and posture… And amazingly for me, that hasn’t happened.
While my stuck stress method certainly hasn’t removed the pain of every one of those students, it has provided relief for all of them. A huge proportion of those I’ve worked with are coming to me as a last resort, having tried every therapy imaginable.
Every student I’ve worked with, who’s committed at least 10 minutes a day for 30 days almost always gains one or more of:
- Improved posture.
- Better sleep.
- Feels far more relaxed and less stressed.
- Reduced pain.
- Completely healed pain.
- Has more energy from better breathing.
- Feels empowered and confident.
The beauty of this system - it’s personalized and unique to you specifically. You’ll learn techniques to locate specifically where YOUR stuck stress is stored, and to release it from your body.
Stuck Stress Solutions NOT a super technical, high-level course. I’ve specifically designed it to be incredibly easy and approachable for anyone to do, without me there to guide in person.
Stuck Stress Solutions is meant for everyone, and I want to get it to everyone. That’s why it’s so important to me.
So, if you feel that stress and pain are stealing your full enjoyment of life, and nothing else seems to work, then I think Stuck Stress Solutions could be just what you’ve been hoping for.
How is this different to yoga?
Yoga often focused on long static stretches, or more dynamic movement (as in vinyasa). While these can improve your flexibility, they can also just move your tension around, tightening your body in other places like it did for me, and like it does for MANY other yogis.
In fact, many long term yoga teachers experience serious hip problems in their 40s after decades of forcing their bodies into unnatural positions. Here’s what Geoff, a yoga teacher and student of mine had to say about working together:
After a few weeks, old muscular problems have disappeared.
“As a Pilates/yoga teacher, I felt I was in tune with my posture, alignment and muscle control, I was wrong! Tanya quickly assessed that I had much older problems in my lower back and pelvis which were contributing to my hip dysfunction.
In the past, I had tried endless physiotherapy and visited a Chiropractor without finding a permanent solution.
I started simple exercises to release my lower back and pelvis, and they worked almost immediately. The results have been fantastic!
After a few weeks, the old muscular problems have disappeared. Not only do I feel better on the outside, but also from within. I feel so much better. Here's to the new me. Thank you so much Tanya!”
Geoff, Yoga/Pilates Teacher
So hopefully this illustrates that not only could yoga have not solved your problem, it might have made it worse!
The other huge advantage of Stuck Stress Solutions over most therapies is the empowerment you get by doing it yourself.
You are fully in control and connected to your body, able to solve your problems at home without needing to pay for massages or supplements or anything else.
I’ve spent two decades of my life understanding the human body in exquisite detail. I’ve worked with thousands of clients and seen the same patterns of dysfunctional movement time and time again.
You get access to all of this insight without the lifetime of learning, and for 1% of the price of training in person with me.
I honestly know no better way to finally unwind the trapped stress that’s been causing your years of stress, pain and discomfort.
How long will this take?
After locating your unique stuck stress, the process of releasing that tension is very fast. You will perform movements to reconnect your brain to the permanently tensed muscles causing your stuck stress and learn to relax them. This only takes 10 minutes per session, once or twice a day.
In my 20 years of experience, 95% of clients notice some relief from their pain and stress within a week, and within 1-2 months of consistent practice, many have had a complete reversal of symptoms.
In all that time, I’ve never experienced a movement practice that so quickly and reliably produces LASTING results like this.
Stuck Stress Solutions is for you if...
- You're finished grasping for answers to your stress from therapists that don't treat its root cause.
- You're ready to reverse the cause of your chronic tension, all by yourself.
- You're no longer willing to submit to pain shrinking and diminishing your life.
- You're excited to wake up pain-free after a blissful night’s sleep, to move your body in ways you feel confident about.
- Most importantly, you want the opportunity to lead a normal life, removing “I can’t do that” from your vocabulary.
That’s why I’m so excited for you to join my students in experiencing the deep gratitude that comes from a system that finally works!
This is why I’m so adamant about getting you to notice this incredible opportunity and take advantage of it today.
Please, don’t talk yourself out of it.
Make today the day everything changes for you.
Enroll Immediately, 100% Risk Free.Learn How To Dissolve Stress & Stubborn Pain In Just 10 Minutes Per Day:
(Especially If Therapists Have Failed To Give You Lasting Relief!)
- What would it feel like to wave a magic wand and feel 10 years younger? To breathe a deep sigh of relief as aches and pains that have plagued you for years are no longer there.
- How would it feel to not be so tense and triggered all the time? To be able to just switch off, relax, and actually sleep through the night?
- What would it mean to correct your hunched, rounded posture? To feel confident and desirable?
Over the past 20 years I’ve personally worked with thousands of students, here are some of their most common stories:
- “Years ago I tweaked my back, and over time it became an ache, then a throb, then a CONSTANT pain, bit by bit consuming more and more of my attention. It’s forcing my life to shrink, taking away not only large but even small freedoms like walking up the stairs or playing with my kids.”
- “I used to pride myself on my “type-A” focus as it served me so successfully, but now, I feel it’s breaking my brain. I feel POWERLESS to stop my mind from going, it’s wound tight and often ruins my sleep. I feel trapped in a hamster wheel, trying to prove myself, regularly to burnout.”
- “I feel deeply embarrassed about my unsexy posture. Years working at a desk has me hunched and looking old WAY before my time. I just kept putting it off, and now I have to make a scene every time I’m out with friends, finding a chair with a back to lean against to prevent my spine from throbbing.”
My back pain is now at 5% from 5 weeks ago.
"I have suffered from lower back pain fo 12 years and have had treatment from ever kind of Osteopath, Chiropractor, and Physiotherapist with disappointing results. During the last 2 years, the problem has gotten much worse.
I am a qualified personal trainer and have trained in martial arts for 10 years and had been upset and worried at how many exercises I can no longer do due to my increasing back pain.
After a week doing a short, relaxing sequence, the difference in my back pain was remarkable, my pain had reduced by 50%. After 5 weeks, the pain that had plagued me for over a decade was 95% gone."
Steve Hillman, IT Consultant
Joyful, glad to be alive runs after 18 months being unable.
“I have had a brilliant week movement-wise and have run twice. These were no ordinary runs, these were joyful glad to be alive runs.
NEVER have I run like this Tanya!
I hadn't been able to run for 18 months and I got home grinning ear to ear. Ahhh the joy! THANK YOU!”
Karen Wilson
Many students discover my work after years of attempts to break their cycle of pain and stress. I’d bet at least one of these resonates strongly with you:

- You’ve spent huge amounts of money on all sorts of therapists, osteopaths, physiotherapists, chiropractors, acupuncturists, none of whom have given you lasting relief before the pain clawed back into your life.
- You’ve tried back braces, ergonomic chairs, lumbar supports and as soon as you’re without them, your bad posture returns, along with the pain.
- You’ve spent loads of time doing yoga, perhaps for years. Not only do the stretches not release the tension that’s keeping you stressed and in pain, they often make it worse.
- You’ve tried everything you can find; meditation, diets, herbal supplements, cutting sugar, and none have significantly reduced your stress or helped you feel more balanced and in control.
My back pain is no-longer controlling me.
“I am a 55-year-old nurse working in a busy inner-city hospital.
I’ve had problems with my back and hip for years. I have had physiotherapy countless times and attended a sports therapist over the last three years with little improvement.
After just six sessions with Tanya, the results are amazing! My posture has improved greatly. I’m walking more freely. My back pain is no longer controlling me. I’d recommend Align Somatics’ method as an alternative therapy to anyone!”
Katherine, Nurse
What if I told you that you’re not the problem, but the methods that you’re trying are? And I know I REALLY get it, because I’ve been in your situation myself.
"Your mum she’s…she’s died. I’m so sorry.”
The words spilt out of my father’s mouth, almost as if he was asking a question. My ears started ringing. My face went numb. I couldn’t feel any emotions but at the same time wanted to vomit.
Have you ever received news so f****d up that you disassociated with reality?
13 years together, gone, in an instant.
Why I’m sharing such a personal story is because I don’t want you to continue to suffer needlessly.
What’s important for you to understand is how the death of my mother led me to dedicate twenty YEARS of my life to uncovering the FULL impact of emotional and physical stress on the body.
Let me show you what happened to me...
Attending boarding school in the countryside, I was so far away from my family. I had no choice but to be strong, to not let this loss destroy me. And honestly, I thought I managed to do that.
But I was so wrong...
It all started with feeling a slight pressure around my face.
Light at first an ever-tightening tension started to build around my jaw, spreading to my neck and sharply into my shoulders over the following years.
I did what anyone with shoulder pain does; I went to see a physiotherapist to massage the area. Then another. And another.
Every time, the pain returned in days, it felt so unfair. My frustration started to turn to helplessness as I searched for an answer.
Many of them suggested stretches for me to try, which actually bought my attention to yoga in an attempt to relieve what felt like a knife between my shoulder blades.
And yoga seemed to work…
For a few months until more tightness and pain started manifesting in random parts of my body. It was like a torturous game of “whack-a-mole”; finding new pain, making some story for why I had it, and adapting my yoga to stretch that area.
I was in my 20s, surely it was impossible to be falling apart already!?
I became a yoga teacher, tried every type of therapy, learned about every muscle in the body, did everything I thought would make me fit and healthy...
I spent years desperate for any lead, until an unexpected discovery at the dentists.
The ridge of every tooth in the back of my mouth was flat…Years of unconscious teeth grinding during my sleep had literally disintegrated my molars!
The extreme trauma of my mother’s death triggered me to develop a subconscious habit of tensing my jaws and grinding my teeth.
I had needlessly SUFFERED for years before I uncovered that everyone had been WRONG about how stress manifests in the body.
Ended two DECADES of headaches by changing my understanding of stress
"Somatic movement was my last resort for a lifetime of crippling headaches. I put them down to neck tension, but you helped me understand that I was holding stress in many more areas.
The targeted movements I learned have had me free from headaches for 8 weeks now! This chronic issue has plagued me for almost 20 years and I have exhausted all other therapies.
This is such a huge breakthrough for me! Many thanks Tanya!"
Aisling Murphy
Eradicated all pain in just 5 sessions!
“Somatics is just incredible. After a decade of hip and low back pain brought about by my desk job, I regained full range of movement through my hips and eradicated all and any pain in just 5 sessions!
This improved my technique and performance in my sport (weight training) immediately.
Understanding the real cause of my pain and being guided through exercises is incredibly powerful and empowering. Now if my back feels tight, I have exercises learned from Tanya that will relieve the pain in a matter of minutes.”
Colm, Designer
Here’s how chronic stress & pain forms in your body:
- Prolonged emotional stress (like pretty much the entire of 2020), or physical stress (injuries), cause specific muscles to tense, imperceptibly.
- The longer the stress lasts, the more likely that this tension becomes a habit.
- Your brain registers this tension habit as “normal” and muscles remain permanently tense; producing “STUCK STRESS”.
- Here’s the important part! Your muscles are all connected. Stuck stress in one area causes imbalances in another group of muscles. The tension becomes “referred”.
- Again, because the original stuck stress has not been addressed, that referred tension creates more imbalances triggering MORE muscles to become stuck.
Without realising it, the stress from your first breakup, or a decades-old knee injury became stuck; keeping you anxious, and your lower back in pain even now!
After about a month I felt as if I were 10 years younger.
“My doctors told me that I had bone degeneration in my vertebrae around I think it was S1 or 2 and around L3. The bone had reached this state because the discs had reduced in size and there was some spurring off the vertebrae. Also the density was changing as the bone was weakening.
After any periods of no movement there would be intense pain. - e,g first thing in the morning.
After I began a short movement course with Align Somatics, the results were almost immediate.
It started with an awareness of having greater movement and a different posture followed swiftly by a complete reduction in pain.
Each day of self-managed movement resulted in improvement and after about a month I felt as if I were 10 years younger and had ended a potential lifetime of pain.”
Dr. Michael Lawrence, Consultant
Stuck Stress Can Manifest In Many Ways:

- Chronic neck, shoulder, lower back, hip, knee and foot pain,
- Tension headaches,
- IBS,
- Walking issues,
- Decreased sexual pleasure.
- Low energy,
- Sciatica & scoliosis,
- Shallow breathing,
- Feeling highly strung, worried and anxious.
- Bladder problems,
- Sleeping poorly.
When I discovered the solution to my chronic stress & pain, the relief I felt was one of the happiest moments of my life.
After Just Weeks Of Practising For 10 Minutes A Day, I Was Amazed To Feel A Decade Of Tension And Pain Systematically Release.
No more stabbing neck and shoulder pain.
My teeth grinding completely dissolved after just a few months.
I felt light as a feather. It was as if a huge fog of stress dissolved along with my pain.
But it doesn’t end there…
I began to reflect, and ask:
- “Why did this have to be so hard, confusing and painful?”.
- “Why did I deal with over a decade of constant pain to figure this out?”
- “Why did every expensive therapist frustratingly suggest a different solution?”
I need you to understand that it is possible to solve your pain and stress yourself, from the comfort of your home, without countless expensive therapist bills.
It’s not a myth -- it’s not something only “yogis” do -- and it’s not complicated.
You are completely capable of following ONE simple system to change your relationship with stress and pain FOREVER.
A system that has given most of my client results in only 7 days and many have a full reversal of pain in 1-2 months!
I’ve put in way more than my 10,000 hours to learn this, and I don’t want you to go through that same frustrating 20-year journey.
The Stuck Stress Solution
Introducing Stuck Stress Solutions, the simple, beginner’s program to dissolve stress and chronic pain in just 10 minutes a day, without relying on expensive therapists.
Stuck Stress Solutions is a 3-hour course that distils over 20 years working with over 2,000 students into specific, actionable exercises you can use TODAY.
It’s designed to help you quickly and permanently identify and release the stuck stress that is keeping you tightly-wound, triggering your pain, and ruining your posture.
The program is organized into three modules each with in-depth video lessons that covers everything you need to know to identify muscles actually causing your unique stuck stress, and to release that tension within minutes...

Stuck Stress Solutions includes:
The Breathing Module:
The “Two Stuck Stress Breathing Styles”: How to identify if these are unconsciously keeping you in a stressed, anxious state.
The “Mind-Muscle Connection”: Consciously engage all the muscles used in full breathing.
The “Calming Third Breathing Style”: Two powerful breathing sequences teach the “full-lung” breathing technique, allowing you to be relaxed, energized and focused. This alone is worth the price of admission!

The Posture Module:
“Habitual, Physical and Emotional Stress”: Uncover how each affects you and develops into damaging stuck stress.
The Three “Stuck Stress” Postures: Your body adopts these postural habits as a result of muscular tension creating imbalances:
- “Startled Posture”: This leads to tension headaches, less oxygen to the brain, lower energy, neck and shoulder pain, increased feelings of stress and worry, IBS, bladder problems, decreased sexual pleasure.
- “Asymmetric Posture”: This leads to muscular imbalances, shoulder pain, back pain, walking issues, hip, knee and foot pain.
- “Reacting Posture”: This leads to lower back pain, sciatica, knee pain, shallow breath, feeling highly strung and anxious.
10 “Stuck Stress Analysis" Sequences: Uncover your dominant stress posture and locate your unique stuck stress.

The Movement Module:
“Targeted Pandiculation”: Proven method reconnects your brain and muscles, retrains you how to relax, lengthen and dissolve stubborn tension from your muscles.
7 “Keystone Stress Sequences”: Release tension and pain from your lower back, hips and neck, addressing your postural imbalances that are creating tension and pain elsewhere in your body.

Try Stuck Stress Solutions For A Full 30-Days, 100% Risk Free.
My 20 years of experience with over 2,000 students makes me so confident this works, that you can try the entire course 100% risk-free, and then decide if it’s right for you.
If you don’t love it after 30 days, email me and I’ll send you a full refund, no questions asked.
Get Instant Access Now for Only £29.
Get Instant AccessI can barely believe it.
“Tanya has taught me how to, in minutes, switch my tension off, getting me in balance and out of pain. More importantly, she has massively helped me with my breathing.
Both of these, when used before and during competition, led to me winning the World Masters Track Competition in my points race for my age category! I can barely believe it.”
Orla Hendron, Professional Cyclist
It's amazing how much better and more energetic I feel.
My posture had gotten bad because of constant standing while at work. I had constant backache and neck and shoulder pain.
After my first lesson, my shoulders had released down. I could feel the difference, and gradually over weeks the change became permenant.
Somatic exercises helped to relax all my muscles and align my body from head to feet. It’s amazing how much better and more energetic I feel. Now when I tighten up I'm aware of the feeling and can release it myself. This works!"
Brenda, Pharmacist
Final Questions?
Will this work for me?
You’d think that with thousands of past students and clients, at least one of them would have found this ineffective for their stress, pain and posture… And amazingly for me, that hasn’t happened.
While my stuck stress method certainly hasn’t removed the pain of every one of those students, it has provided relief for all of them. A huge proportion of those I’ve worked with are coming to me as a last resort, having tried every therapy imaginable.
Every student I’ve worked with, who’s committed at least 10 minutes a day for 30 days almost always gains one or more of:
- Improved posture.
- Better sleep.
- Feels far more relaxed and less stressed.
- Reduced pain.
- Completely healed pain.
- Has more energy from better breathing.
- Feels empowered and confident.
The beauty of this system - it’s personalized and unique to you specifically. You’ll learn techniques to locate specifically where YOUR stuck stress is stored, and to release it from your body.
Stuck Stress Solutions NOT a super technical, high-level course. I’ve specifically designed it to be incredibly easy and approachable for anyone to do, without me there to guide in person.
Stuck Stress Solutions is meant for everyone, and I want to get it to everyone. That’s why it’s so important to me.
So, if you feel that stress and pain are stealing your full enjoyment of life, and nothing else seems to work, then I think Stuck Stress Solutions could be just what you’ve been hoping for.
How is this different to yoga?
Yoga often focused on long static stretches, or more dynamic movement (as in vinyasa). While these can improve your flexibility, they can also just move your tension around, tightening your body in other places like it did for me, and like it does for MANY other yogis.
In fact, many long term yoga teachers experience serious hip problems in their 40s after decades of forcing their bodies into unnatural positions. Here’s what Geoff, a yoga teacher and student of mine had to say about working together:
After a few weeks, old muscular problems have disappeared.
“As a Pilates/yoga teacher, I felt I was in tune with my posture, alignment and muscle control, I was wrong! Tanya quickly assessed that I had much older problems in my lower back and pelvis which were contributing to my hip dysfunction.
In the past, I had tried endless physiotherapy and visited a Chiropractor without finding a permanent solution.
I started simple exercises to release my lower back and pelvis, and they worked almost immediately. The results have been fantastic!
After a few weeks, the old muscular problems have disappeared. Not only do I feel better on the outside, but also from within. I feel so much better. Here's to the new me. Thank you so much Tanya!”
Geoff, Yoga/Pilates Teacher
So hopefully this illustrates that not only could yoga have not solved your problem, it might have made it worse!
The other huge advantage of Stuck Stress Solutions over most therapies is the empowerment you get by doing it yourself.
You are fully in control and connected to your body, able to solve your problems at home without needing to pay for massages or supplements or anything else.
I’ve spent two decades of my life understanding the human body in exquisite detail. I’ve worked with thousands of clients and seen the same patterns of dysfunctional movement time and time again.
You get access to all of this insight without the lifetime of learning, and for 1% of the price of training in person with me.
I honestly know no better way to finally unwind the trapped stress that’s been causing your years of stress, pain and discomfort.
How long will this take?
After locating your unique stuck stress, the process of releasing that tension is very fast. You will perform movements to reconnect your brain to the permanently tensed muscles causing your stuck stress and learn to relax them. This only takes 10 minutes per session, once or twice a day.
In my 20 years of experience, 95% of clients notice some relief from their pain and stress within a week, and within 1-2 months of consistent practice, many have had a complete reversal of symptoms.
In all that time, I’ve never experienced a movement practice that so quickly and reliably produces LASTING results like this.
Stuck Stress Solutions is for you if...
- You're finished grasping for answers to your stress from therapists that don't treat its root cause.
- You're ready to reverse the cause of your chronic tension, all by yourself.
- You're no longer willing to submit to pain shrinking and diminishing your life.
- You're excited to wake up pain-free after a blissful night’s sleep, to move your body in ways you feel confident about.
- Most importantly, you want the opportunity to lead a normal life, removing “I can’t do that” from your vocabulary.
That’s why I’m so excited for you to join my students in experiencing the deep gratitude that comes from a system that finally works!
This is why I’m so adamant about getting you to notice this incredible opportunity and take advantage of it today.
Please, don’t talk yourself out of it.
Make today the day everything changes for you.
Enroll Immediately, 100% Risk Free.